RALIANCE Grantees Who Help the LGBT Community

White and Black couple wrapped in an LGBT flag on the right. The left is a purple background with white stars and text that says "RALIANCE Grantees Who Help the LGBT Community"

One of the most rewarding aspects of our work is issuing out grants to those in our field who work to make communities across the nation safer. This Pride Month, we’re looking back on our grantees throughout the years who have used the RALIANCE grant to embolden their mission to make LGBT+ people safer and in a space where they can thrive.

For this blog, we reached out to the following grantees representatives

     -Janelle White, Executive Director of San Francisco Women Against Rape

     -Julie Bornhoeft, Chief Strategy Officer at WEAVE

Which program/project did RALIANCE help you support that benefitted the LGBT+ community?


Janelle: The Life Healing Project: A SFWAR (San Francisco Women Against Rape) and QWOCMAP (Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project) Collaboration.

Julie: RALIANCE funded a partnership between WEAVE and the Sacramento LGBT Community Center to better understand the challenges experienced by LGBTQIA+ youth at risk of or experiencing homelessness and their unique needs, including risk for sexual exploitation and sexual assault. Both organizations recognized the unique needs of these youth and that tailored approaches to address challenges that were needed. The project included surveys and listening sessions to gather data that was used to develop conversation decks for professionals working with LGBTQIA+ youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The project also led to updates for the trainings provided to staff and volunteers at both organizations.


Where do you hope to see your work for this community go/expand in the future?


Janelle: The healing of queer women of color from sexual violence is essential and sadly often neglected; it is vital that our diverse community be centered and prioritized by the movement to end sexual violence.

Julie: While WEAVE and the Sacramento LGBT Community Center had an existing partnership that included providing cross-training for staff and volunteers and referring clients, the partnership was not as “deep” as it could be. The project created deeper conversations between the organizations and a realization that a more formal partnership would be beneficial. As a result, the organizations sought opportunities to partner on grant applications including compensation for both partners. The agencies continue to work closely today to ensure survivors of sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and Intimate Partner Violence can receive inclusive services. WEAVE continues to take part in Sacramento’s annual Pride festival, and the agency’s work collaboratively on projects throughout the year.

What message would you like to send the LGBT+ community this Pride Month?


Janelle: San Francisco Women Against Rape (SFWAR) has a long history of being led by queer women of color.  In addition, many of us are survivors of sexual violence.  As part of the vibrant and diverse LGBTQIA2S+ community, we hope and work for a future free of violence and oppression.  It is together that we will achieve collective liberation!  Onward with determination and spirit!

Julie: At WEAVE, we support all relationships, all genders, all ages, all people, all the time. We believe everyone deserves to experience healthy relationships and work to promote this throughout all communities while supporting survivors of sexual assault, IPV, and sex trafficking. We know that when someone is LGBTQIA+ experiences sexual violence or IPV, they may face unique challenges in accessing services. WEAVE is committed to ensuring that our services are inclusive, welcoming, and provided by professionals with lived experience whenever possible.

RALIANCE is a trusted adviser for organizations committed to building cultures that are safe, equitable, and respectful. RALIANCE offers unparalleled expertise in serving survivors of sexual harassment, misconduct, and abuse which drives our mission to help organizations across sectors create inclusive environments for all. For more information, please visit www.RALIANCE.org.

The RALIANCE Grant Program has supported more than 80 sexual violence prevention projects with a total of $3.5 million in grant funding from the National Football League (NFL). The majority of the grant projects funded to date were awarded to programs serving people of color, LGBTQ+ communities, people with disabilities, religious minorities, immigrants, young people, and others who often are heavily impacted by sexual violence yet historically overlooked by funders. Learn more at www.raliance.org/grant-program/grants.


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