“LILLY” Uses History to Shed Light On Our Present

Actress Patricia Clarkson, Director Rachel Feldman, and Film Critic Thelma Adams smiling, sitting, and holding microphones at a q&a.

Photo Credit: Jenny Warburg

Photo Description: Actress Patricia Clarkson, Director Rachel Feldman, and Film Critic Thelma Adams smiling, sitting, and holding microphones at a Q&A.

RALIANCE is an organization that prides itself in its advocacy for workplace equity, especially as it pertains to making sure that these spaces are free from sexual harm. Our advocacy comes through in our corporate partnerships, public comments, grant program, blogs, and sometimes…film partnerships. When we partner with a film (like Roll Red Roll or LILLY) we do so because we believe they speak to the role that organizations play in causing sexual harm and the potential they have to be a part of the solution. Earlier this month, RALIANCE attended a public screening and Q&A for LILLY at the Athena Film Festival and saw how the issues depicted in the film still resonate today.

LILLY centers around Lilly Ledbetter, a fair pay advocate who sought congressional support and the Supreme Court to prevent women from experiencing the type of sex discrimination she faced at her longtime employer, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. Her most notable achievement in this area was the passing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the first bill signed into law by President Barack Obama, which allows victims of pay discrimination unrestricted time to file claims.

Director Rachel Feldman took on this story while building a close relationship with Ledbetter. The fair pay advocate saw and approved of the film before her passing in October 2024. Feldman and Patricia Clarkson (who portrays Ledbetter in the film) have made it their mission to promote this film and its message to honor her life’s work.

The film’s story guides the audience through several decades of Ledbetter’s life. From the sexual misconduct she personally experienced and witnessed at work to the dismissive attitude lawyers and congressional figures had about her case, the film speaks to several much larger truths. Harms are easily committed and perpetuated within systems that ignore the problem. Workplace sexual misconduct is not a bug in a system that denies women equitable treatment, it’s a feature. Victims seldom come forward because they fear both retribution and that they won’t be believed, yet those who do, inspire others to lend their voices to the cause. A system can disempower an individual, but an individual is capable of disrupting and changing a system with community support.

The film is deliberate in its decision to intersperse real media clips of prominent political figures discussing the importance of Ledbetter and her case. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for example, is featured prominently throughout the film to discuss the film’s events. It’s a decision that forces the audience back into reality. This is not just a story portrayed by actors to entertain viewers. It was a real series of events, understood by some of the most influential people in American politics as an important step towards pay equity. The intertwining of reality in this film compels us to look at what is going on in our current moment.

On average, women make 85% of what men earn and women of color face an even larger wage gap. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center’s “Ending Sexual Assault and Harassment in the Workplace” page notes that while over 60% of women respondents said they have experienced sexually inappropriate behavior at work, less than 40% of them report it. It is clear that the issues raised by Ledbetter are ones we must continue to discuss and combat.

One of the ways that everyone can start these discussions is by uplifting stories like Ledbetter’s. LILLY will be released in select theaters this upcoming Mother’s Day weekend, and it could serve as a good opportunity for colleagues to view and discuss what changes should be made to make their company culture and practices more equitable. RALIANCE would be proud to take part in the next phase of those conversations with any and every business interested in making the change.

Film partnerships are just one way to amplify the power of film, and they can play a part in shifting minds and industries. We are proud to have partnered with LILLY, and we hope to see more businesses partnering with independent films that align with their core values and encourage personal and industry evolution.

RALIANCE is a trusted adviser for organizations committed to building cultures that are safe, equitable, and respectful. RALIANCE offers unparalleled expertise in serving survivors of sexual harassment, misconduct, and abuse which drives our mission to help organizations across sectors create inclusive environments for all. For more information, please visit www.RALIANCE.org.


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