Parents for Prevention: Raising the Generation that Will End Sexual Violence

Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault
R4 2019-2020 $40,000

Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault in Des Moines, IA will evaluate their Parents for Prevention programming through a series of train-the-trainer sessions for parent and caregiver educators in Iowa.

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  • Communities

    Adults Grandparents Parents/Foster Parents
  • System

    Advocacy/rape crisis
  • Level



  • Measure Impact

    Measure Impact

    Evaluate Parents for Prevention programming through a series of train-the-trainer sessions for parent and caregiver educators in Iowa.

  • Educate & Train

    Educate & Train

    Conduct six train-the-trainer sessions for parent and caregiver educators in Iowa

  • Provide Resources

    Provide Resources

    Prepare and test free online curriculum of Parents for Prevention

  • Build Champions

    Build Champions

    Parents for Prevention equips adults with knowledge and parenting skills to support prevention efforts.