Healthy Relationships Initiative
The Arab-American Family Support Center
R4 2019-2020
The Arab-American Family Support Center in New York, NY will expand their healthy relationships and violence prevention curriculum for young people within Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) immigrant and refugee communities in New York City.
Adults Asian-Pacific Islander Boys Communities of color Girls Immigrant/Refugee Men Students Survivors Women Youth/Adolescents/Young Adult -
Therapeutic/mental health -
Educate & Train
Deliver two expanded youth/young adult programs and engage a minimum of 50 (30 youth per school year via MENar and 20 young women via AYWA).
Provide Resources
Increase access for participants and their families to additional supports such as mental health services (Goal to reach 30).
Measure Impact
Evaluate programming using self-assessments, interviews, and focus groups