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Funding Opportunities

Update from RALIANCE on 2025 Impact Grant Program

In 2023, RALIANCE surveyed its previous grantees to collect information about the status of programs supported by our IMPACT funding. The survey provided RALIANCE with insight into various ways that we could strengthen our work as a funder. While some solutions will require a substantial investment of time and other resources, RALIANCE recognized that we could start by offering additional support for previous grantees through a focused grantmaking effort to contribute to the sustainability of their work. As a result, this year, RALIANCE’s grantmaking for 2025 projects will focus on applications from previous grantees.

We did not arrive at this decision lightly, especially during a wave of massive funding cuts. Moving forward, as RALIANCE evaluates its work and the work of its grantees, we will strive to approach our funding efforts strategically in a way that strengthens the communities we serve. We are honored to continue our tradition of supporting critical work to end sexual harassment, misconduct, and abuse. Since RALIANCE’s founding in 2015, the partnership has been proud to invest in over 80 projects with more than $3 million in grant funding with support from the National Football League.