Young Advocate Institute South
Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MSCASA) in Jackson, MS coordinated a Young Advocate Institute South for 50-75 African-American youth in the state to attend social justice camp as well as conduct focus groups with youth/parents to identify gaps in services, prevention and knowledge/understanding of sexual violence.
African American Boys Communities of color Girls Students Youth/Adolescents/Young Adult -
Advocacy/rape crisis School (K-12) Therapeutic/mental health -
State -
Asset PDF
Learning Circles
MSCASA presented at the 2017 National Sexual Assault Conference as part of the RALIANCE track.
The Youth Advocate Council supported efforts of a Dating Violence Awareness month activity at a teen and parent summit to 110 youth and parents. YAS developed 4 presentations on sexual assault. Topics included: Sexual Assault: What Everyone Should Know, Date Rape: Ten Things You Can Do to Protect Yourself, What to Do If Someone You Know is Raped, 15 Things Every Man Needs to Know About Date and Acquaintance Rape, and Stalking Ten Things Everyone Should Know.
Enhance Partnerships
MSCASA partnered with the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault and also engaged women of color advocates in the state to provide on-site support and intervention at YAIS. MSCASA identified 17 youth serving organizations in the state of Mississippi.
Build Champions
MSCASA supported an 8-member Youth Advocate Council (4 males and 4 females).
Provide Resources
MSCASA conducted 4 planning meetings with Youth Coordinator, Young Advocate Team Lead and NCCASA. This included support for regional focus groups with youth and parents; youth outreach activities and activities related to Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Educate & Train
MSCASA coordinated a 2.5 day social justice day camp to 64 participants in an effort to end sexual violence in one generation. Young Advocates Institute South (YAIS) was held June 22-24, 2017 to 52 youth and 12 adults.
Measure Impact
The Youth Advocate Council collected 268 surveys to gather information on attitudes, knowledge and behavior regarding gender-based violence to inform their work.