Working on Racial Justice Across Sexual Violence and Domestic Violence Coalitions
Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence in Seattle, WA leveraged the expertise of 6 sexual assault and domestic violence coalitions (CA, IA, and WA) to strengthen the social change trajectory of anti-violence work. These states worked in partnership with marginalized communities to develop and implement organizational, systemic, and community-level prevention strategies that aim to increase racial justice practices and deepen partnerships between sexual assault and domestic violence coalitions.
Adults Co-workers/Colleagues Communities of color Men Women -
Research: Whitepaper (Proprietary) Visit WSCADV
Advocacy/rape crisis -
National -
Asset PDF
Enhance Partnerships
This project brought together 6 state coalitions in IA, CA, and WA focused on how to deepen partnerships across sexual assault and domestic violence organizations by working specifically on racial justice and race equity.
Learning Circles
Hosted 2 in-person meetings (January and April 2017).
Provide Resources
The project enabled the group to gather on multiple occasions and helped inform the whitepaper development.