Preparing Boys to End Rape

R2 2017-2018 $49,880

ReThink in Washington, D.C. built a community of leaders to pilot an approach to work with adolescent boys to instill critical values of empathy, consent and emotional awareness. The goal is to prepare adolescent boys to reject rape myths and embrace healthy attitudes towards women.

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  • Communities

    Adults African American Boys Communities of color Men Students Youth/Adolescents/Young Adult
  • Products

    Curriculum: Curriculum (Proprietary) Contact ReThink
  • System

    School (K-12)
  • Level



  • Enhance Partnerships

    Enhance Partnerships

    ReThink partnered with the DC Rape Crisis Center as well as local schools.

  • Build Champions

    Build Champions

    The train-the-trainer curriculum built up the skillsets needed by participants to be community leaders in this capacity.

  • Educate & Train

    Educate & Train

    Community leaders were taught modules in four core theoretical areas: trauma, consent, gender norms and stereotypes, as well as empathy and emotional awareness. The training then developed facilitation, modeling consent, and intervention skills based on these theoretical areas.

  • Provide Resources

    Provide Resources

    ReThink helped create the space for these train-the-trainer modules with local community support.

  • Learning Circles

    Learning Circles

    ReThink was featured on Inclusivus' Get Impowered Podcast: Fostering Community through Shared Stories Episode 19.


  • Measure Impact

    Measure Impact

    Youth participants took pre and post surveys. Two rounds were piloted via this grant enabling the lessons learned to be incorporated into the next iteration of the program. Community leaders also took surveys with three and six-month follow-ups.