Law Enforcement Guide to Addressing Sexual Violence in the LGBTQ+ Community
The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) created a resource to enhance law enforcement’s understanding of and response to sexual violence in LGBTQ+ communities. The considerations presented encourage the proactive implementation of agency policy and prevention efforts.
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Research: Responding to Sexual Violence in LGBTQ+ Communities: Law Enforcement Strategies and Consideration tool View PDF
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Provide Resources
Created and distributed: Responding to Sexual Violence in LGBTQ+ Communities: Law Enforcement Strategies and Consideration tool.
Additionally, the creation of several policy-related considerations. Law enforcement agencies are encouraged to review and update all policies and procedures that might affect interactions with individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ to ensure they are up-to-date and present promising practices, as well as review all internal agency non-discrimination policies to ensure they include sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression.
Enhance Partnerships
IACP worked with a multidisciplinary group of subject matter experts representing law enforcement, victim advocates, and members of national organizations to identify promising practices.
Raise Awareness
The strategies and considerations tool was posted to the IACP webpage, as well as posted on social media via Twitter and blog, sent to all IACP members via email, and featured in Police Chief Magazine.