Crisis Intervention Resources for Sexually Exploited Homeless and LBGTQ Youth
WEAVE in Sacramento, CA partnered with Wind Youth Services and the Sacramento LGBT Community Center to increase access to crisis intervention, safety planning, and psychoeducational support group services for homeless youth, homeless LGBT youth, and LGBT youth who have experienced sexual victimization.
Adults Boys Bystanders Co-workers/Colleagues Girls LGBTQ2I Men Non-binary Parents/Foster Parents Students Survivors Women Youth/Adolescents/Young Adult -
Resource: Intervention and outreach toolkit for homeless LGBT youth and conversation deck (Available upon request) Visit WEAVE
Advocacy/rape crisis Therapeutic/mental health -
Local -
Asset PDF
Enhance Partnerships
WEAVE partnered with Wind Youth Services and the Sacramento LGBT Community Center on this project.
Provide Resources
WEAVE sought to reach 20-30 unique youth throughout the grant year. Due to the drop-in nature of the space, WEAVE achieved 200 duplicated youth participating throughout the year. Additionally, WEAVE created an intervention/outreach toolkit for homeless LGBT youth with an action kit on best practices and art intervention strategies, and a conversation deck on discussing sexual exploitation and violence.
Measure Impact
Data was collected via survey and focus groups to identify themes and barriers to youth at risk-for or who had experience sexual exploitation and violence to receive services.