Children with Sexual Behavior Problems

Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault
R1 2016-2017 $45,249

Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MNCASA) in St. Paul, MN assessed systems, policies and practices for identifying, responding and providing effective services to children with sexual behavior problems. MNCASA developed a report summarizing research on best practices, gaps in knowledge and practice, and specific policy recommendations to increase earlier identification and intervention.

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  • Communities

    Boys Children with sexual behavior problems Girls Youth/Adolescents/Young Adult
  • Products

    Research: Children with Sexual Behavior Problems: Improving Minnesota’s ability to provide early identification and intervention services through policy and practice recommendations June 2017 View PDF
  • System

    Advocacy/rape crisis Therapeutic/mental health
  • Level



  • Strengthen Policies

    Strengthen Policies

    MNCASA's project sought to improve systems, policies and practices for identifying, responding and providing effective services to children with sexual behavior problems.

  • Enhance Partnerships

    Enhance Partnerships

    MNCASA partnered with three stakeholders to assist in the survey distribution from Head Start, early childhood, and health care providers.

  • Learning Circles

    Learning Circles

    MNCASA presented this information in several spaces including a day-long symposium at Mitchell Hamline Law School entitled A Critical Look At Children Who Sexually Abuse Other Children: Best Practices in Intervention, Treatment, and Public Safety.

  • Provide Resources

    Provide Resources

    The guide, literature review and resources are free to the public. 

  • Measure Impact

    Measure Impact

    MNCASA disseminated a survey designed to identify gaps in knowledge and practice relating to identifying and providing early intervention services for children with SBPs. The survey sought to reach 100 professionals who work wth this population. MNCASA received 1022 responses to the survey. They also identified and scanned 61 research articles, engaged over 40 national and Minnesota resource people and conducted interviews with 19 key stakeholders - including 12 professionals who work directly with children with SBPs.

  • Raise Awareness

    Raise Awareness

    With the publication of the guide, MNCASA reached out to the media and to policy makers about the findings and recommendations.