Child Sexual Abuse Innovations Program
NEWS, Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Services in Napa, CA partnered with On The Move to create the Childhood Sexual Abuse Innovations Project. The project was a year-long, survivor-driven leadership cohort of survivors and their organizational allies with the goal of increasing healing opportunities beyond the criminal justice option, increasing awareness, community connections, and enhancing quality and availability of services.
Adults Communities of color Men Survivors Women -
Artwork: The Narrative: Compiled by Jennifer Thater, 2017 (Proprietary) Contact NEWS
Advocacy/rape crisis Therapeutic/mental health -
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Enhance Partnerships
NEWS partnered with On The Move and other social service representatives including the
NEWS Rape Crisis Program and NEWS staff. -
Learning Circles
Presentation of culminating project (The Narrative) and arts activites was held on July 26, 2017 with 50 attendees.
Build Champions
The cohort has expressed interest in continuing to develop a support group and incorporate alternative healing such as art and movement activities, though they have not been able to find funding to continue the project.
Provide Resources
A 7-member cohort completed the year-long program (12 started the cohort). Cohort meetings were held 9 hours per month.
Through this project, NEWS and other community partners continue to build capacity to better address the needs of trauma survivors. A supportive supervision curriculum is in development for allies and service providers.
Educate & Train
NEWS supported a survivor-created space and leadership via the cohort.