Athletes As Leaders
Harborview Center for Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress in Seattle, WA developed, implemented, and evaluated a girls’ athletic leadership program as part of a comprehensive school-wide sexual assault prevention project. This program was piloted in a large urban high school and complemented the Coaching Boys into Men® program being offered to every boys’ team.
Athletes Bystanders Coaches Girls Students Youth/Adolescents/Young Adult -
Curriculum: Athletes As Leaders Curriculum Click Here for the Program
Resource: Advocate Toolkit Click Here for the Toolkit
PSA/Promotional video: Athletes As Leaders Program Video Click Here to View Video
School (K-12) Sport -
Local National State -
Asset PDF
Learning Circles
Athletes As Leaders participated in a RALIANCE/PreventConnect Webinar on August 22, 2017 as well as the 2017 National Sexual Assault Conference on the RALIANCE track. Additionally, there has been significant interest from dozens of communities across the country in wider implementation. A national pilot and evaluation is planned in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh.
Build Champions
Athletes As Leaders was implemented with 8 teams at a local high school as well as with the Girls’ Basketball Team and Wrestling Team as a youth advisory board.
Provide Resources
Time and technical assistance has been offered to communities and organizations interested in implementation at the local, state, and national-level.
Educate & Train
The curriculum was originally implemented in a local high school and now has been implemented in various communities across the country.