I’m With Them – and We’re With You.

Many companies assume they handle sexual misconduct reports by their employees effectively and have the appropriate mechanisms in place. However, I’m With Them, a nonprofit working to reduce sexual misconduct in the workplace, found that it was a lot harder to find information on where an employee could anonymously report sexual misconduct, fraud, or other ethical violations.

Although there are federal laws designed to protect employees and mandate a way to report ethics violations, systems vary greatly from organization to organization. Navigating these laws and policies can be harder for non-employees such as contractors, vendors, and suppliers.

That’s why I’m With Them’s new resource – Misconduct Reporting Directory – is a helpful and easy-to-use guide for how employees can anonymously report sexual harassment, misconduct, and abuse. I’m With Them took it one step further by listing the code of conduct for over 150 U.S. organizations, a U.S. anonymous hotline phone number, an anonymous reporting website, a reporting email address, names and contact information for heads of HR and Diversity & Inclusion, and other helpful information. There is also guidance to walk you through which reporting channel is best.

As an employee: Check to see if your organization is listed. If not, encourage your company to become a part of the directory.

As a board member or part of the leadership team: Review whether your organization is listed. If not, consider sharing resources such as these with employees.  

We will improve the safety of our workplaces and communities when leaders invest in transparent reporting processes and do their part to end sexual violence in one generation.

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